by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Women Only
Last week I led a Zoom RFL Lunch and Learn session entitled: Creating Hope For Our Future. I created a handout entitled Power Tips For Conquering Fear, Worry, and Anxiety. It has a slew of useful tips I thought you might enjoy yourself, so I’m sending it to you....
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership
You may not be surprised to hear that many employees dread walking into work. That just isn’t right! Isn’t it time to turn this dismal state of affairs on its ears? It’s fixable if you shift the work environment a bit and put your mind to it. John Templeton...
by Nancy Fredericks | Blog, Homepage
Do you find yourself going through the motions without being present during vast chunks of your life? Guess what? You’re performing on autopilot—and you’re not alone. A research study by Marks and Spencer uncovered: 96 percent of their participants admitted making...