by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
The beginning of yet another great day. Yippee! Then, you glance at your calendar only for your stomach to drop as you peek at a potentially unproductive day with the majority of your schedule committed to meetings. You’ll be scurrying all day from one session...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
For me, a sad part of coaching is meeting women who have put their whole heart and soul into being the best executive ever yet fall short of realizing their expectations. That’s why I do what I do. I know you must be frustrated with all the hard work, and long hours...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Women Only
Without question, it’s complicated being a woman executive—particularly a successful one—as we’re expected to display both male and female traits effortlessly throughout our career. New research has uncovered yet another quality women are obliged to manifest if...
by Nancy Fredericks | Blog, Homepage, Women Only
As you read the title of this article, did you instantly start muttering under your breath: “How wrong can you be?” Perhaps the shift hasn’t filtered into your organization as yet. But oh boy there is a stirring occurring in today’s marketplace. According to a...
by Nancy Fredericks | Women Only
As a strategic coach, I am involved in the ups-and-downs as well as the in-betweens of an executive’s career. In the midst of rough spots, a common tendency in women is to beat themselves up as they question their ability, all while working harder and putting in more...