You’re a success! Look how far you’ve brought your career from when you were a small child thinking about who you’d be when you grow up. In all likelihood, you’ve mastered skills you never imagined; and now, you have a broad-range of high level business competencies.
Yet, deep inside you believe there is more. The Executive AdvantEdge™ Workbook was designed specifically to assist high achievers collapse the gap between where you are today and where you intend to be tomorrow. This workbook answers many of the questions and confusion you have regarding your career progression.
And you’re not alone in this because executives continually share with me that they’re frustrated and baffled. They say: What do I have to do to get promoted? My boss has told me I’ve met or exceeded all of his or her expectations, but no promotion this year maybe next. This isn’t the first year I’ve been told that. I work hard but never seem to get ahead. What do I have to do?
If you’re interested in expanding your influence in your organization, The Executive AdvantEdge™ Workbook is your secret weapon for career success.