The face of corporations has changed dramatically in recent years. It’s not sufficient for men to simply hone technical skills and expertise. Now, to a greater extent than ever before, producing superior results for an organization relies on your effectiveness in interaction with others including the opposite sex–whether they’re the boss, subordinate or client.
But you can’t change what you don’t notice. So if you haven’t recognized and acknowledged the gender divide in business you’re just fooling yourself. You’re a man; you think and react differently than a woman would. That’s OK! That’s the way diversity works. The days of thinking it’s not an issue are over. Don’t find yourself caught in the great divide. It seems complex, yet all is simplified in Leadership for Men Only. So now what? Close the gap and strengthen the very foundation of your career.
Here’s Where I Come In…
I’m Nancy Fredericks and I’ve spent my career examining how to effectively distinguish gender differences and leverage them powerfully in your career. Isn’t it time to discover and identify what’s holding you back? You just may find you’ve unknowingly turned off over 50 percent of your company’s workforce and 85 percent of consumer decision makers—women. With my guidance, you can not only overcome the gender divide but conquer it and use it to your advantage!
Let me ask you a question, why me and why does it make sense for you to take a program from a woman on this issue? There’s nobody more qualified. I’m a pioneer in the field of gender diverse leadership issues. I have worked with women because of Dancing on the Glass Ceiling, the book I wrote and the subsequent leadership development programs I’ve led for the last 15 years. Not only that, my strategic coaching began exclusively with men over 30 years ago, so I know both sides of the gender issue.
The specialized program I’ve developed specifically to meet your career issues is Leadership for Men Only. It offers relevant research that will enable you immediately to recognize when the male and female business differences are at play. You’ll leave this program prepared and armed to move your career into fast forward. The information you’ll gain will have you thriving in today’s extreme business environment and becoming the driving force behind all your future success! By the way, all of this will improve your interactions, including your communication effectiveness, with female bosses, peers, subordinates, and clients. Are you ready?
Join me for Leadership for Men Only. It’s time for you to attend this eye-opening, candid ALL MEN’S professional program. The frank conversations enable executives to thrive in today’s competitive business environment no matter what they face.
This exclusive male setting guarantees that your specific issues, the ones men face each and every day, are discussed openly through a content-rich, interactive platform. You’ll appreciate the frank, no-nonsense conversations generated in this program. Finally, you have a place to voice your questions, be understood and gain the necessary insights to master the gender challenges facing you today and into the future. Now let’s give you the techniques that will create your success!
Course Includes:
- Pre-Program Homework including the Strengthscope Assessment, which is the world’s most complete and innovative strengths assessment and development system. It will help you identify what is unique about you to produce, powerful performance insights.
- Three, 90-minute group teleconference calls: These are vital discussions regarding what was learned and the adjustments required for improved outcomes. They are dynamic calls that generate powerful conversations.
- A Comprehensive Workbook is given to each attendee.
- Relevant video and audio tips are sent after the program is complete to extend the insights acquired from Leadership for Women Only.
As one CEO said: You’re our secret weapon! I can identify the executives who have taken your program by the way they immediately start taking on true ownership for their position and the future of our organization.
A complete unconditional guarantee: We have such confidence in NFI’s methodology that we offer a money back guarantee. If your executives don’t receive value after fully completing this program, NFI will refund your money. You have nothing to lose!
What Others Are Saying
I feel like I have learned very important BIG concepts, BUT ALSO ways to implement these things into daily life. Additionally, I’ve never worked with a trainer/coach who has stayed in touch with me as long as you have. Obviously, you don’t benefit from a direct financial way in doing so, it shows that you care about the people you work with and it’s not all about money. That’s hard to find these days.
Additionally, if your organization has 10 or more men, who would benefit from attending Leadership for Men Only professional program, NFI custom-designs this program as corporate events.