THRIVE @ WORK MasterMind

provides a growth-perfecting support
community for professional women.

Facilitated by one of the most experienced women’s thought leaders today – Nancy Fredericks – known for generating lively, content-rich dialogue for career-changing “Aha’s.”

Here’s what you can expect

  • Curated content to help transform you into the leader you want to be
      • Leading Your Career During Uncertainty.
      • Overcoming the Tough Leaders/Subordinates/Peers in your life.
      • Getting Your Career on Track in the Middle of Chaos.
      • Identify and Refining Blind spots that Do Harm
      • Developing Authentic Executive Presence For a Powerful Career
      • Real Life Strategies for Bringing Balance to Your Life
      • Establishing A Lasting Foundation of Confidence
      • Get Out Of The Trenches And Into Strategy
      • Defeat the Shadows of Your Mind To Become All You Are
    • Anticipate a confidential community that supports you in overcoming your work and career challenges
    • Unlimited Access to Nancy for questions you need answered
    • We take complex concepts and problems and simplify them into practical, workable solutions
    • 90-minute monthly LIVE conference calls with Nancy and other MasterMinders
    • Guest experts periodically joining the call
    • FREE six-month Women’s Rules of Engagement Online Program

Thrive @ Work MasterMind
Is a six-month commitment for $125/month

Thank you, maybe later. For now, I want the
Women’s Rules of Engagement Online Program

Thank you, Nancy, for giving me the courage and know-how to go after the career that works for me. I never thought it was possible. – J.C.

It is official! I received the promotion. I am beyond thrilled, proud, excited. You name it and I am feeling it. I can’t thank you enough for your insight and coaching, you really changed the way I approached this situation and it was just the shift in energy that I needed to make this all a reality. We did it! – A.S.

Your training continues to change my “work life” for the better! When I start to steer the wrong way, I hear your coaching in my head.  I’ll say to myself, “Stop it! You KNOW better!” To me, that’s what is the most valuable … to recognize the “right answers” and stop when you know you are letting your emotions drive you in a way that is NOT helpful to your career in the long run. – J.P.

Thank you for providing such clear, practical,  and actionable advice for re-engaging my team. This both shed light on what the issue is (unclear roles and commitment to enacting them) and gave me language to seek resolution. – L.A.

Thank you so much for all you do – you have certainly helped spark a light in me that I didn’t know existed! – L.L.