Vacations are incredibly important….
Taking a little time off allows you a moment to breathe,
recharge your batteries and come back to work excited and motivated.

– JJ Ramberg

Let me ask you… How many vacation and personal days do you have stacked up as yet unused? Are you someone who takes a day off here and there or do you find yourself straddling your weekend… you know taking off Thursday, Friday and Monday rather than planning a more extensive vacation?  If this is your vacation history, you might want to rethink your strategy because you’re simply not getting enough uninterrupted time for renewal.

As a matter of fact, the Oxford Economics indicates 10 days in a row is an ideal time for a vacation. You aren’t alone though. According to the U.S. Travel Association full week vacations are declining for American workers. On top of that many aren’t even using their full allowance of time off as an average 4.9 vacations days remain on the books unused.

Don’t become what Roger Dow the CEO of the U.S. Travel Association calls a “work martyr.” He believes that “Americans are working more and enjoying it less. The bottom-line is that when they don’t take time off, it is not getting them ahead. They’re doing no better. They’re not getting more raises. All they’re doing is increasing their stress.”

You really need the time off. Why? You see, when you spend consecutive days relaxing, you’ll experience less stress, improved productivity, higher focus and you’ll find yourself more engaged. Not bad benefits on top of a great vacation, is it? So, what’s your destination going to be for your next vacation?

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