We are visual creatures. When you doodle an image that captures
the essence of an idea, you not only remember it,
but you also help other people understand and act upon it—
which is generally the point of meetings in the first place.
– Tom Wujec
Did you know that doodling can help you at work? I bet you just may have thought they were crazy, meaningless, abstract patterns—nothing more than a time waster. Well, you’d be mistaken.
The reality is that, according to neuroscientists, doodling often aids in concentration so that you are able to retain more information coming from others whether in a group or individually. As a matter of fact, in a 2009 Applied Cognitive Psychology study, the doodling group “recalled 29% more information.” Many researchers attribute this improved ability to the fact that doodling helps the brain remain active particularly when normally you might find yourself overloaded with information or you’re ready to space out from boredom.
Doodling really is a thinking assister as the very act of drawing random designs allows the analytical part of your brain to assimilate information at a heightened level. It, also, helps jump start your thoughts when creatively connected ideas can open your mind to brand new ideas or tactics for overcoming your toughest issues.
Why don’t you give yourself the gift of doodling the next time you’re boxed in and can’t find your way out of the time consuming quicksand of a problem or how about you start doodling in a particularly challenging meeting? I bet you’ll find that you’re more focused, able to grasp new ideas better, retain more information than ever before and source creative thought at a whole new level. Won’t that be a valued time saving tool in your arsenal?