Contrary to what you may believe, “No’s” are the secret to achieving success. It’s through closing some doors and not others you realize a fulfilling career.
What do I mean?
Saying “No” Defines Who You Are: Years ago during an entrepreneurial training program, I heard the facilitator say: Without having a “No” in your vocabulary, no one will ever appreciate who you are. This advice changed the course of my career, prompting me to higher levels of accomplishment than I ever imagined.
I knew I’d heard a profound truth, but I could never have pictured at the time how deep it would sink into my identity. What I came to realize is when I say “Yes” to everything, I’m nothing more than a parasitic ameba without a stable shape which willy-nilly extends in every direction with no rhyme or reason. That’s not the secret sauce for a gratifying future. Rather a viable future is designed by setting your course, recognizing when to say “No” along the way, so you can assert a resounding “Yes” to what sings to your heart.
Many believe saying “Yes” to their boss and company is the magic formula to being ranked as a go-getter in the organization. Yet, this approach dooms you to failure along with guaranteeing an unsatisfying workday. For: A “No” uttered from deepest conviction is better than a “Yes” merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble observed Mahatma Gandhi.
Learn to say, “No.” It’s empowering. It is the foundation for pursuing your career rather than others determine it for you. If you haven’t already made such a discovery for yourself, take up the habit.
Tip for Initiating the Practice:
- Don’t start with an enormous career-changing “No” as your first step, instead begin small as you build-up to the impactful ones in your life.
Now, let’s explore the other side of “No:”
A “No” Is Nothing More Than a “No” Today: Moving through the “No’s” in your life is the surest way to build the necessary muscle for success to occur. I’ve heard that 90 percent of all startup businesses fail—yes, including Silicon Valley companies! And yet, 90 percent of all second time businesses succeed. Sadly, 80 percent of entrepreneurs never try a second time! Just think how close they were to achieving all they’ve ever dreamed about in their life. In what areas of your career have you heard “No” and then, let it prevent you from advancing?
Envision for a moment and then, ask yourself this: What would I be doing today if I hadn’t allowed myself to be boxed in by “No’s” in my career.
You see, satisfaction emerges through stretching and being uncomfortable and building bridges to your future as you progress from “No” to “Yes.” You’ll soon ascertain a “No” is merely a bump along the way ricocheting you into a whole new, perfect direction.
Tip for Initiating the Practice:
- Check your heart pulse before giving up because of a “No.” If it is still beating a “Yes,” take a crack at one new tactic after another until you achieve your heartfelt purpose.
And Here Are The Promised Zillion Equally Pertinent Reasons:
- More joy. …
- More contentment. …
- More energy. …
- More relevant. …
- More growth. …
- More time. …
- More confidence. …
- More control. …
- More respect. …
- More fulfillments. …
- More fun. …
Well, that may not be a zillion, but learn to say “No” in a positive way, and you’ll begin expanding, so you can experience all of them for yourself.
The message is never to give up your destiny no matter how many “No’s” you’re required to utter or how many “No’s” you must tenaciously navigate through.