How often are your co-workers saying: “I don’t have enough time to get everything done today?” I bet you hear yourself expressing those thoughts too because you’re experiencing the same pressures to produce more with fewer resources every day.
There’s a first-rate reason you feel this way! According to a Gallup poll, adults employed full time in the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours per week, almost a full workday longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedule entails. In fact, half of all full-time workers indicate they typically work more than 40 hours, and nearly four in 10 say they work at least 50 hours.
Let’s see about silencing the negative chatter, and instead, start relating to your job from a new mindset…. One that may just have you reassessing your time priorities!
- Your Basic Job Description: Pull out your official job description to check out what your company expects of you. Use this opportunity to review the document matching it against what you’re truly doing. Are you noticing a discrepancy between what’s listed and what, in fact, you’re doing?Update your job description and then, share it with your boss—perhaps, even Human Resources. Letting those in power know your exact contribution often leads to being seen in a new light sometimes one that moves your career into the fast lane.
- Self-Examination: Ask yourself, “How am I doing?” Seriously! A critical factor for being a top-notch employee is self-awareness, so rate your performance. The good news would be that you’re exceeding the essentials of your job description.If, however, you realize you’re not, it’s beneficial to acknowledge this as early as possible because you limit your future career when you’re not stepping up to the plate for your entire job duties.A boss rarely stretches levels of responsibilities for those who aren’t being a good steward right where they are.
Now, become the “owner” of your position by exploring possibilities for thinking R.E.D. (Reduce, Eliminate, or Delegate). Put on that “innovation hat” mindset all companies are looking for from their employees often frees time on your calendar to focus on more significant work.
- Your Boss’ 100% Definition: I recommend—and it takes guts—to get on your boss’ schedule to ask, “If I’m performing 100% of my job in your eyes what would I be doing?”I know what you’re thinking—not because I’m a mind reader—rather because it’s what so many say when given the assignment: “I know what my boss is expecting of me.”What if you don’t?
Consider this. You may receive the highest performance evaluation score your company hands out, and someone else in your department obtains the same high score; nonetheless, only one is slated to be the successor to your boss. Unmistakably, the performance evaluation isn’t providing you with all the insights required to move up the ladder.
Whether you know it or agree with it, judgments about your future are being made which are far more pertinent to your future than anything recorded on your performance evaluation.
It’s up to you to know what you need to do to be a high potential, hundred percent employee in your boss’ and company’s eyes. And it’s different at every business you work for, and with every boss you have.
Don’t be surprised if during the review of your job description, by taking on the innovative mindset; and in your discussion, with your boss, you’ll uncover areas you may believe are important; however, your boss doesn’t.
Celebrate! These small shifts in work focus present you with the golden opportunity to handle projects and assignments that have more value to your company… and your career future.