Human beings tend to resist change, especially when it threatens to cut them off at their knees. Unfortunately, resiliency isn’t a capacity acquired naturally at birth. No one automatically possesses it.
You grow it one crisis at a time.
Those who build their flexibility muscle thrive in the middle of stressful situations and are far more effective corporate employees than those who don’t.
That’s why RESILIENCY is such a highly touted and much sought after skill for leaders at all organizational levels. It is the difference-maker between handling pressure with aplomb and losing your composure.
I’m sure you’ve heard or read articles listing a litany of qualities making up a resilient person. You have the head knowledge, but do you have the doing know-how?
Does this resonate with you? Are you interested in expanding resiliency in your daily career and life? If it does and you do, but you’re puzzled about how to begin improving your bounce-back muscles, keep reading. You’ll gain practical, workable concepts you can immediately incorporate.
It’s All About Perception. Do you remember first seeing the picture below where some saw a ragged, ancient woman, while others a fancy elegant young woman?
I distinctly remember seeing a grizzly, older woman and vehemently arguing with friends who wrongly saw a youthful woman (I was young!). It was only as someone described and then, with their finger outlined their reasoning that a massive click in my brain occurred.
Suddenly, in a blink, I could see both! Never again would I perceive one person. That’s the power of resiliency. It expands your ability to catch a glimpse of much more than what is right before your eyes. You now own one of the concepts for broadening your resiliency quotient!
Receptive Mindset. We can all recall what a rigid mind feels like when our hackles rise, trapping us in a stance that erodes rather than supports success. A healthier approach is transformational in nature. Cultivate a seeking perspective committed to Exploring for Gold, one that recognizes, ultimately, everyone and everything comes together for your greater good. With such an outlook, you hold firm to win no matter what monsters or bogymen appear at any given moment.
A Compass Set To “Internal Locus” Of Control. Those who trust they have the power to tackle problems generate a lifetime of fulfillment and purpose even when faced with one challenge after another. Those with a resilient spirit tend to tap into their strengths, talent, and expertise faster and with greater confidence.
Blaming outside circumstances or others for the bumps in the road is disempowering. You can thrive through choice. It’s reframing a “when will this horribleness be over” or “I can’t take any more of this” into a “what am I going to do, right now” attitude.
Circumstances Don’t Define You. How often have you permitted the lines of self to be blurred simply because of negative people or events? Falling prey to such limiting beliefs originating from the outside diminishes your long-term effectiveness. Don’t delete yourself. Instead, get quiet. Tap into your talents, expertise, abilities, and achievements and then, go solutions response hunting. That returns your power. Don’t become mired in the situation. Rather, be an overcomer putting control right back to where it belongs—in your hands!
You’ll be delighted you promoted your resiliency muscle when all around you goes south—and it will because that’s the way of the world. I promise you’ll note the difference, as your commitment will have you flying higher than ever, even when tackling challenges.
Do you want to find out more about the topic of Resiliency? I’m facilitating a Zoom Interactive Training for Roaring Fork Leadership Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., MT. Check it out… By the way, the program will include very few of the concepts addressed in this article.
Also, if you’re an executive woman interested in becoming more resilient, you’ll be interested in checking out THRIVE @ WORK MasterMind Forum. Become the best version of yourself through a community of like-minded professional women supporting, holding one another accountable, and committed to excel. It’s facilitated by one of the most experienced women’s thought leaders today – Nancy Fredericks – known for generating lively, content-rich dialogue through career-transforming “Aha’s.”