Jazzing Up Your Communication

Jazzing Up Your Communication

Are you an executive woman on the rise or looking to be one? Are you sensing your communication isn’t as effective as it could be? Perhaps you’re even wondering if you need to Jazz it up a bit. Congratulations on recognizing a gap…. Storytelling may be the missing...
As a Woman, How Are You At Listening?

As a Woman, How Are You At Listening?

When you consider yourself in context to listening, do you think: I’m pretty doggone good? What’s the big deal about this topic?  Well, before you get too satisfied with your comfort level… How about taking a gander at this research? A Wright State University study of...
You May Be Talking… Are You Getting Through?

You May Be Talking… Are You Getting Through?

Years ago, a friend and I were driving by a strip mall the flags briskly flying in the breeze grabbed my attention. A large sign above its door proudly proclaimed its business: “IMAGING.” Casually, I shared: “I’ve been intending on making an appointment with them for...