Today’s marketplace requires leadership judgment at every level of the organization—every day!
Unquestionably, a company’s most valued resource is its workforce. It’s the gold standard by which their ongoing viability is assessed.
In turn, high-potential employees recognize the key asset they tender a company is not their expertise alone, but how they make their time count.
The burning question: How does the Tick-Tock of your clock match up?
Do you give more than your company is paying you for, but less than what you consider perfection? According to a Harvard Business Review study, the average CEO works 9.7 hours per weekday, 3.9 hours per weekend day, and 2.4 hours per vacation day. An ownership mindset is persistent in pursuit of excellence, which entails more than an eight-hour day. However, they, also, recognize striving for perfection pays diminishing returns, so they don’t get ensnared in such a time-drain trap. Leverage is the name of the game as owners focus on pursuing the right strategy with the right people.
Do you think as much about inspiring others to action as you do completing work yourself? The old saying: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime” is undoubtedly true. In a business environment, such a commitment opens the door for a far higher level of production than you can do on your own. The Center for Management and Organizational Effectiveness found such a focus on executive’s daily calendar: Over 50 percent of leaders spend more time working with people and teams than their own tasks or projects. They actually only spend one hour and 45 minutes per day on their tasks and projects. Are you committed to expending time producing powerful results through others?
Do you block time for thinking, exploring, and “contemplating your navel” on your calendar? If you do, you’ll be joining some of the most successful businessmen in our country, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong, for instance, makes his executives spend 10 percent of their day, or four hours per week, just thinking. Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, schedules two hours of uninterrupted thinking time per day. Jack Dorsey is a serial wanderer. Bill Gates is famous for taking a week off twice a year just to reflect deeply without interruption. I bet you’re arguing: “But I have no control. At my level, my entire day is orchestrated by others.” Thus, this advice may seem counterintuitive, and yet, the reality is if you solely focus on filling your schedule with busy “to-do” activities alone you’ll never grow and develop your business craft. With such an attitude, you’ve set yourself up. Your business muscle is all about performing production, but you haven’t built your mental muscle in preparation for the onslaught of the daily challenges slamming non-stop your way as you ascend in your company
Do you invest your time, talent, and personality in proactively developing relationships? Genuine power in an organization stems from the relationship connections you nurture. Ultimately, they are far more valuable and bring about greater positive consequence to your career trajectory than tasks, and positions ever will. Delivery can’t be your only attention the relationships you generate now are your long-term difference-makers.
Tick-Tock how does your clock measure you as a leader now and moving forward?