If you couldn’t wait to get to work and start your day?

Can you even imagine?

We all have a brain with the capacity to think bigger than simply what exists before our eyes….right now.

I often see failure befalls us when we take on too many attitude adjustments at once, so I’m suggesting only three to concentrate on now.

Optimism: We all know fear immobilizes, whereas positivity generates resiliency and forward movement.

Why? Because this outlook has you thinking more broadly. It allows you to be flexible and open to new ideas.

Optimism has you moving more quickly through uncomfortable circumstances emerging with better quality ideas.

Let’s nail the concept with research:

  • Future-oriented people (as optimists tend to be),
  • Think positively and vividly regarding upcoming events (What will the world be like ten years from now or twenty years from now?), 
  • Stimulate creative ideas (What the world will contain and how to get there?).

What’s not to like? You perform better and realize more!

Stretch Exercise: What can you do or envision before starting the day that will put you in a positive frame of reference as you arrive at work?

Value Everyone: Do you have a team member, peer, boss, or even a senior leader you dread interacting with regularly? What if I told you this attitude is impairing your life and career? And what if I told you, reframing it will give you a whole bunch more zip, not just to your step, but to your outlook as well?

It is simply you choosing to find good in those you work with instead of how often they miss the mark.

The reality is that it is easy to nit-pick to find no joy in another, but those who choose to relate to everyone based upon their strengths are far more successful in every area of life—including the marketplace.

Now, anticipate for a moment: How much more would you enjoy collaborating with these teammates? And how much more productive would your results be?

Stretch Exercise: Begin with the most emotionally stressful working relationship because this will make every other effort seem lightweight. No matter what you may believe—everyone has a nugget, often a large one, of decency and light and ability in them. Choose to remove yourself from your judgments and look at the individual from your company’s point of view. What do they bring to the position that adds value to the company’s profitability? And don’t say, nothing, please. In all likelihood, that is your baggage speaking, not reality.

Embrace Challenges: Executives on the growth track don’t wait for the next disruption. They run toward them.

They know challenges accelerate the honing process that moves them to the next level of self and career.

Is this an attitude you’ve acquired along the way? If not, what are you doing? Are your heels dug in tenaciously holding back from the tumult of insecurity? Do you prefer with every fiber of your being to stay in the land of the known?

Even as you read this last sentence, didn’t you wince a bit knowing that staying comfortable won’t secure the future you want for yourself? Now, start practicing jogging to the challenges to speed up career development and keep charging as you outpace one issue after another.

Stretch Exercise: Pitfalls and disappointments are all part of the human experience. Those that embrace overcoming are far more triumphant in every area of life.

Before you take off, some of you are enthused by the choices you intend to make. Congratulations!

And to those who remain skeptical, chew on what Stephen Covey said about this process: “All things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.”

The reality is that everything you feel, touch, or taste emerges out of the musings in your mind. You are a unique, amazing, and expressive, creative machine!

What would it look like to you if you believed and began incorporating it into your daily life?

If you’re finding it difficult challenging yourself and you’re looking for a boost, reach out for a FREE Discovery session at


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