Now is the best time ever for a fulfilling, fantastic period of development that rockets you to brand, new levels of responsibility!
Why am I starting an article off about disruption with such optimism? The truth is “sunny days” can be your reality. Attitude is the key for those who move from the doom-and-gloom of a layoff or those left behind to achieve greater success than ever before!
It’s natural in the midst of career instability to experience a dip in spirits. You’re facing the unknown. Your world is rocking-and-rolling all around you. You may even be alarmed about your future. If you’re committed to thriving, you’ll fill this uncertain, daunting space with your intentions and your dreams and the next big leap of self. You get to chose—stuck in the circumstances or an astonishing period of growth.
It’s time to craft a Kintsugi-like career revitalization for yourself. What is Kintsugi*? It is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by filling the cracks with gold. The pottery is transformed through its brokenness into something more precious. So, how do you turn this career bump in the road into a powerful Kintsugi experience for yourself?
The first step is to take your pulse on where you are in your career. Ask yourself these two questions:
- What did I do well this last year that I’m proud of in my career and want to continue tapping into as part of who I am?
- What did I do this year that in my heart-of-hearts I know I could have and should have done better?
You now know what you’ll want to press in and do more of in the coming months. These are your strengths where you are almost 8 percent more productive! They are the times three hours feel as though three minutes have passed.
You’ve also identified what areas you want to beef-up to make your future brighter than your yesterday. Commit to reading five books on the subject or interview someone you admire who demonstrates the skill or take a class. Such concentration is guaranteed to energize and revitalize you.
Secondly, live within the excitement and surprise of: “Oh, I didn’t know this is what it was going to look like on my way to my fabulous future!” Remember, no matter how it appears, you’re always moving toward your purpose. Any bumps you encounter along the way is preparation. Don’t give up your hopes and dreams for what in hindsight will be merely a blip on the journey.
Third, co-create with those friends, family, and experts who are committed to “spiraling up” conversation regarding your future. These are golden streams of thought designed to fill in the cracks made in your career and your confidence by this unexpected change.
I’ve worked with thousands of executives who have been laid off or left behind, I can assure you… your future is far more golden than ever before because greatness emerges out of the darkest of times. That is, if you “up the ante” in your skills, trust the future is yours, and allow yourself to shift to a whole new level!
I encourage anyone reading this article, who has faced uncertain times, to share your story of soaring. It is important that we support one another to our greatness! So, please post your comments.
* Thanks Faith Salie, of CBS Sunday Morning, for introducing me to this art form.