by Nancy Fredericks | Career Success, Homepage, Leadership
When you eavesdrop on your internal self-talk, what does it sound like to you? In many ways, this voice is prophetic. What you say to yourself determines your future. So, is it an encourager or a discourager? Your future is shrinking every moment your inner...
by Nancy Fredericks | Creativity, Goals, Homepage, Reinvention, Women Only
Knock… knock… knock. Do you hear the future struggling to crack open your heart? It’s the yearning you can’t quite touch. You long to encounter its promised sweetness but have given up on it ever coming to pass. You’re confident regarding your mastery at checking...
by Nancy Fredericks | Creativity, Homepage, Innovation
According to a PwC report, 93 percent of business executives believe that organic growth through innovation will drive the greater proportion of their revenue growth.C Wow! That’s pretty unambiguous. And yet, does the urgency facing your organization translate into...