by Nancy Fredericks | Goals, Homepage
It’s hard for me to realize we’ve reached the end of the Seven Magnificent Secrets series. You’ll note I’m combining the last two as to my mind they are opposite sides of the same energy at the root of successful goal achievement. Even though you might not understand...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
I’m excited about # 5 of The Seven Magnificent Secrets, particularly in the framework of the series. This one has you profitably pivoting your attention to attain all you envision for yourself. #5 Secret: Always set your eyes on what You’re Going Toward—Not Going Away...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Women Only
Recently reading research in the world of businesswomen stirred my memory banks of a time when I chose the road less traveled to arrive where I happily am today. At the time, did I know how momentous this decision was? No! It’s only in hindsight, we see. My desire is...