by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
Innovation has changed the face of our reality by offering an array of groundbreaking products and services unimaginable a few short years ago. Just for a moment, let’s jump into a time capsule for a speedy journey into our past. Close your eyes. Pretend you’ve just...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Stress, The Stress Factor
The Center for Creative Leadership’s survey reveals that 88 percent of leaders feel work is their primary source of stress. And stress-related factors account for over 40 percent of job turnover. While the American Institute of Stress reports American’s say: 63...
by Nancy Fredericks | Career Success, Curiosity, Homepage, Workplace
Is your schedule so overloaded with completion and results-driven tasks the space for Curiosity has vanished? You find checking items off your to-do list rewarding, yet still, something is missing? Often you feel as though you’re barreling down a straight highway with...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership
You’re messy. So, what? After all, you generate stellar work for your company. Why should anything else matter? Or better yet why would anyone even care? I’m sure it has something to do with that old adage we’ve all heard and taken to heart: “Cluttered desk, cluttered...
by Nancy Fredericks | Leadership
I’m sure you’ve heard how valuable innovation is, as a driver of growth, to the future of your company, so if it’s germane to your business, then it’s meaningful to your career success. Innovation is so imperative, as a matter of fact, that according to a new report...