by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
“Increasingly, leadership today is defined not just by how many hours you spend at your computer, but your ability to connect to others.” -Carol Bartz, Former Yahoo CEO and Lisa Lambert, Founder of Upward I love what these two formidable executive women are saying...
by Nancy Fredericks | Career Women, Homepage, Women Only
I love you business women, and I appreciate your ability to overcome challenge-after-challenge even while wearing high-heels in an environment that is overrun with Oxfords. It’s time to celebrate all that makes women not only wonderful but also highly effective in...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership, Women Only
The times are ripe for women to lean into their strengths and realize all their business dreams. And yet, we can’t afford to ignore Red Flags popping up along the journey. Are you prepared to spot your career Red Flags? Red Flag #1: Do You Hear Yourself Saying….? I’m...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership, Productivity, Time Tips
Today’s marketplace requires leadership judgment at every level of the organization—every day! Unquestionably, a company’s most valued resource is its workforce. It’s the gold standard by which their ongoing viability is assessed. In turn, high-potential employees...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership, Women Only
The sea change occurring in business today presents exciting, boundless career horizons for women. Right now, we stand on the brink of all women have worked so hard to achieve, even as businesses around the globe are simultaneously laboring under unprecedented forces...