by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
As Aldous Huxley said, “There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” I call this The Explanation Gap. And how you handle these information holes will either harm your professional future or boost it. Unknowingly,...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Podcasts
That internal voice of yours is prophesizing “your soon” to be future. Do you like what you’re hearing? Or is your chatter undermining any hope of you thriving? Download this Podcast. It’s guaranteed to offer insights that will flip your Self-Talk script on its ears....
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
Leadership is an inside-out affair, particularly for women. It has to be. Too often, we’re at the crux of our underwhelming career by getting in our way of achieving all we want. Typically, it is something appearing insignificant caught in the underbrush of her mind....
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage
Hi! It’s Nancy returning with yet another secret adding a whole new layer to The Seven Magnificent Secrets series. This one provides gasoline to accelerate the speedy realization of your career desires. # 3 Secret: Be persistent in pursuit of your goals. Finishing...
by Nancy Fredericks | Homepage, Leadership
It appears that many in business have chosen to outlast the chaotic times they face, their bad bosses, the unfair career development treatment by disengaging. Such an action is not a powerful response, nor does it shift anything one iota. But instead, use it as a...